Picture of tutut kurniasari
adsorption of radiation
by tutut kurniasari - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 06:36 AM
all of my friend, lets disscuss about absorption of radiation!!!
Picture of ika budiarti
Re: adsorption of radiation
by ika budiarti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 06:41 AM
oke lets disscuss now
Picture of tutut kurniasari
Re: adsorption of radiation
by tutut kurniasari - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 06:44 AM
don't forget to introduce your self before!!! (may be you can replay it in my other post)
Picture of lia hidayatul fitria
Re: adsorption of radiation
by lia hidayatul fitria - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 06:46 AM
how we can start discussion?

Picture of ika budiarti
Re: adsorption of radiation
by ika budiarti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 06:52 AM
i don't know...
but now i will write somethink about how to explain the absorption..
Picture of Kurnia larasati
Re: adsorption of radiation
by Kurnia larasati - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 06:56 AM
i think we can start our discussion about the typical UV absorption spectra..
Picture of iffatul muna
Re: adsorption of radiation
by iffatul muna - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:37 AM
Let's start our discuss!

When radiation passes a medium, its intensity is selectivity decreases in the process of absorption. The energy of electromagnetic radiation is taken by atom or molecules to form exited state. In the absorption process, the energy must suitable with the energy difference between the ground state and one of the exited states.

A plot of absorbance as a function of wavelenght or frequency is called "absorption spectrum". The pattern of absorption spectra depends on the complexity, the physical state, and the environment of the absorbing species.
For example:
1. When the uv or vis radiation comes through medium concist of sodium (Na) vapor, monoatomic particles, it will be define and simple absorption. There are only a few peaks observable. The simple spectra is due to the small amount of energy levels of sodium. There are also no bonding between sodium and the system.
2. When the polyatomic, such as benzene, although its in a vapor phase there are kinds of bonding, between carbon and carbon also between carbon and hydrogen with double bond and single bond. Each of bonding contributes in absorption process and give complexity and form complex spectrum. Beside that the interaction between molecules or atom with solvent, such as benzene in hexana and biphenyl in hexana also give additional complexity and different types of movement. This condition give a very complex spectrum but they are not resolved well and appears as broad peak. Inside the broad peak are hidden a great deal of sharp peaks from every possible excitation.

Picture of ika budiarti
Re: adsorption of radiation
by ika budiarti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 06:50 AM
to explain the adsorption radiation, it is convenient to invoke the particle nature light, which is to say that the energy of a photon is "quantized" and given by planck's equation

E= hv
Picture of tutut kurniasari
Re: adsorption of radiation
by tutut kurniasari - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 06:57 AM
may be we can disscuss about the figure 3 (some typical ultraviolet adsorption spectra)
Picture of Kurnia larasati
Re: adsorption of radiation
by Kurnia larasati - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:00 AM
who knows..
why does the spectra type are different for each species or medium??

Picture of tutut kurniasari
Re: adsorption of radiation
by tutut kurniasari - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 06:59 AM
frind, may be you can replay in my first post. because if you replay in the other post, it can make us confuse
Picture of erlita dian ratri
Re: adsorption of radiation
by erlita dian ratri - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:03 AM
okay.. lets start discussing absorption of radiation
Picture of Kurnia larasati
Re: adsorption of radiation
by Kurnia larasati - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:02 AM
why does the spectratypes are different for each species or medium??
Picture of tutut kurniasari
Re: adsorption of radiation
by tutut kurniasari - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:10 AM
I think, in figure 3, the simple molecul will have a simplicity spectra, like (a). becuse the energy is small, so this system has only few number of possible electron exitation. but in the molecul that have complex bondings between atoms, they have complexity spectra too, like in (d).
Picture of tutut kurniasari
Re: adsorption of radiation
by tutut kurniasari - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:13 AM
it can be happend because the pattern of adsorption spectra depend on complexity,,,, may be, all of my friend can explain abut the other factor, like physical state, and inveronment of the absorption species. hehehehehhhwink
Picture of erlita dian ratri
Re: adsorption of radiation
by erlita dian ratri - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:15 AM
in my mind, every atoms, molecules, ions have limited number of discrete, quantized energy levels which are the characteristic of the matter/species, so that the absorption process depend on the energy of excitting photon.
Picture of dyna rahmawati
Re: adsorption of radiation
by dyna rahmawati - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:17 AM
I will try to answer laras's question, maybe because each mediums have the different energy, in process absorption, the energy from photon excitation will suitable with the different energy.
Re: adsorption of radiation
by reny eka evi susanti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:20 AM

When radiation passes a transparent medium of a solid, liquid, or gas, certain amount of its intensity is selectively removed by the molecules in the process of absorption. Since atoms, molecules, ions have limited number of discrete, quantized energy levels in the absorption process the energy of exciting photon must exactly match the energy difference between the ground state and one of the excited states of the absorbing species.

absorption spectrum is a plot of absorbance as a function of wavelength or frequency. The pattern of absorption spectra greatly depends on :

- the complexity

- the physical state

- the environment of the absorbing species

Re: adsorption of radiation
by yussalina afifanur - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:22 AM
according to me the complexity is rellated with the structure of molecules, and the physical state its mean the phase of molecules, is it gas, solid or liquid. More complex the molecules more higher energy that is absorp.
Picture of amalia cahyarini
Re: adsorption of radiation
by amalia cahyarini - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:22 AM
If the uv or visible radiation comes through medium which consist of monoatomic particles such as sodium in vapor state, it will be absorbed in a defined and simplle frequency. But if the uv or visible radiation comes through medium which consist of polyatomic compounds such as benzene vapor or even the biphenyl solution, it will be absorbed the energy in a more complex way since the number of energy states and possible exitation are enhanced enermously.
Re: adsorption of radiation
by reny eka evi susanti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:23 AM
friends, I confuse about that picture, why that picture have top of graphic are different??
Picture of erlita dian ratri
Re: adsorption of radiation
by erlita dian ratri - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:30 AM
@reny.. according to me,biphenyl will absorp energy in complex interaction, so that the grafik have maxima an electromagnetic wave than the other
Picture of lia hidayatul fitria
Re: adsorption of radiation
by lia hidayatul fitria - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:39 AM
where is the picture ren?
Re: adsorption of radiation
by reny eka evi susanti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:52 AM
in chapter III li,
Picture of yosi triliana
Re: adsorption of radiation
by yosi triliana - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:43 AM
reni, in my oppinion, i think the shape of the top is depend on the matter that we use. on book, mentioned that the energy of exiting photon must exactly match the energy difference between the ground state and the other energy level as the decision of that photon.
the difference of energy between on level and the other level is different between one species and the other species
Re: adsorption of radiation
by reny eka evi susanti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:50 AM
so, the main topic of that top of graphic base on the difference of energy yos.
Re: adsorption of radiation
by yussalina afifanur - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:59 AM
Ren, you aks about difference peak between benzene in hexsane and in the water(different medium) or difference peak that we get when absorption occur just in one medium?
Re: adsorption of radiation
by reny eka evi susanti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:16 AM
@yussi :defferent between benzene, Na vapor, benzene in hexena and biphenyl in hexzene. there are have defferent top of graphich.
Picture of fransiska  dwi y
Re: adsorption of radiation
by fransiska dwi y - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:24 AM
friend. . . I'm sorry i late because my signal in boarding house is bad.
I agree all the statement.
because the characteristic other species is different so the adsorption of radiation is different to.
Picture of yosi triliana
Re: adsorption of radiation
by yosi triliana - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:01 AM
of course every species has different energy..
but the most causing different peaks are, the different species, complexity and the environment of the absorbing species
Picture of ika budiarti
Re: adsorption of radiation
by ika budiarti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:04 AM
yes, i agree with you friend...
the pattern of absorption spectra greatly depends on complexity, the physical state, and the environment of the the adsorbing species
Picture of yosi triliana
Re: adsorption of radiation
by yosi triliana - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:55 AM
the top of the graph of spectrum are different between one species and the other.
depend on the complexity, the physical state, and the environment of the absorbing species.
1. physical state.
for example we have Na in gas phase, the spectrum obtain is simple because in gas phase, Na doesnt have any bonding with the other atoms. there is only a little absorbtion of Na atom.
2. complexity
more complex molecule, more the amount of peaks(top). there are so many peaks so they cant be seen well..

Picture of dina meylia shari
Re: adsorption of radiation
by dina meylia shari - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:25 AM
I think I'm agree with dyna' statement.
the difference of energy can be the essential factor of it.
Picture of Kurnia larasati
Re: adsorption of radiation
by Kurnia larasati - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:38 AM
i do..

Picture of lia hidayatul fitria
Re: adsorption of radiation
by lia hidayatul fitria - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:42 AM
mb.lar, what our friends talking about? i am very confused.. i'm not understanding yet
Picture of ika puspita
Re: adsorption of radiation
by ika puspita - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:40 AM
When radiation passes a transparent medium of a solid, liquid, or gas, certain amount of its intensity is selectively removed by the molecules in the process of absorption.
Since atoms, molecules, ions have limited number of discrete, quantized energy levels, in the absorption process the energy of exciting photon must exactly match the energy difference between the ground state and one of the excited states of the absorbing species. This energy difference is unique for each species, this can be a method to study the constituent of the material which in this case, the sample. This is the basic of spectroscopic method.
The pattern of absorption spectra greatly depends on the complexity, the physical state, and the environment of the absorbing species. There are atomic absorption and molecular absorption.
Picture of dyna rahmawati
Re: adsorption of radiation
by dyna rahmawati - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:34 AM
Danke my sister Dina,,hehe...
Reny, according to me the answer from your question on handout page 9 - 10...hmmm...but I don't understand too...I'm confuse too...hihi
Re: adsorption of radiation
by yussalina afifanur - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:39 AM
@Reny Eka
remember that atoms have different energy level. In the absorption process, when radiation passes(with different wavelenght)atoms absorp different energy and its excited. so we get will get different peak.
Picture of ika puspita
Re: adsorption of radiation
by ika puspita - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:44 AM
@Dina R : so, you still confuse with your answer din???
Picture of dina meylia shari
Re: adsorption of radiation
by dina meylia shari - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:42 AM
when the interaction with solvent molecules more complex, the spectrum will be very complicated and it's possible to resolve each of them easily. so the peak will become less and less visible.
Picture of dina meylia shari
Re: adsorption of radiation
by dina meylia shari - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:07 AM
when radiation in uv or visible area through a medium which consist monoatomic particles, it will be adsorb with certain simple frequency like the bottom spectrum in picture 3.3. this spectrum is so simple because there's only two peak with difference wavelenght. beside that, the system has few number of possible electron excitations. poliatomic compounds will adsorb more energy. so the peak which be produced will more complex and we can see this spectrum above the spectrum of monoatomic.
Picture of amalia cahyarini
Re: adsorption of radiation
by amalia cahyarini - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:46 AM
reny, i think it depend on the molecul which is contain in the medium. same with my answer before, If the medium consist of monoatomic particles, such as sodium in vapor state, it will absorbed in a defined and simple frequency (figure d).
Picture of dyna rahmawati
Re: adsorption of radiation
by dyna rahmawati - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:56 AM
Phyta : hmm...maybe you have known if I confuse...hehe...I agree with the answer from all...
Picture of lia hidayatul fitria
Re: adsorption of radiation
by lia hidayatul fitria - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:56 AM
when radiation passes a transparent medium of a solid, liquid, or gas, certain amount of its intensity is selectivity removed by the molecules in the process of absorption. the energy of the electromagnetic radiation is taken by atoms or molecules in the sample for the promotion to the higher energy states(excited states.
Since atoms, molecules, ions, have limited number of discrete, quantized energy levels, in the absorption process the energy of exciting photon must exactly match the energy difference between the ground state and one of the excited states of the absorbing species
Picture of yunilia nur pratiwi
Re: adsorption of radiation
by yunilia nur pratiwi - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:57 AM

According to me, the graphic on analitikum paper is about the energy spectra of absorbtion energy. There are 4 graphs with different peak of each matter.

If different matter is radiated with UV light, every matter will absorb some different energy. It's absorbtion is according to the complexity of the matter. If the matter is simple, the energy absorb is lower than the complex one. An atom will absorp lower energy than a molecule, and a simple molecule will absorp lower energy than the complex one.

From the graph (a), there are Na vapor in gas phase. In gas, Na states in monoatomic so it is the simple matter that absorp lower energy because Na is not complex, so the energy absorp is used only to promote the condition from the ground state to the exited state. As there are only a few probability of interaction between Na vapor, it gives sharp peak on the graph.

For graph (b), it is a benzene vapor. Benzene is polyatomic molecules. although it states in gas phase, too, it will absorp higher energy than Na vapor because it has more probability interaction. Not only between each molecule of benzene but also in each atom inside each molecule of benzene. Much peak in the graph shows that the energy absorp is used to promote the much interaction maybe happen. 

for graph (c) and (d), the benzene and biphenyl are in the solution. So, the interaction will be greater than the two examples before. The interaction can be happen between benzene each other, hexane as the solvent each other, benzene and hexane each other, and also between each atom to other atom, whether they are in benzene or hexane. this complexity will make the energy absorption is higher than the other because the matter need more energy to promote. The not-sharp peak shows that there are many peaks state together in one place that also shows the interaction is too much and need more energy. 

graph (d) shows like a curve. Actually this graph has a lot of sharp peak, but the higher interaction in the molecule make too much peak and it shows as a curve in the graph.

but, I still don't understant what is influence the high of the peak ? and actually, I don't know what's being promote ? the electron of each molecule or other ?

Friends, please tell me about what is the relationship between the graph with the wavelenght..

Picture of ika budiarti
Re: adsorption of radiation
by ika budiarti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:08 AM
mb yunil....
your statement too long.....hahahaha
so, can you tell to me one by one....wink
Picture of yosi triliana
Re: adsorption of radiation
by yosi triliana - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:11 AM
yunil,,, youre so amazing !! awesome!!

Picture of viruzi axellina
Re: adsorption of radiation
by viruzi axellina - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:58 AM
Absorption of radiation occur when a radiation passes a transparent of a solid, liquid or gas.Intensity of radiation is selectively removed by the molecules in the process of absorption, the energy of the electromagnetic radiation is taken by the atoms or molecules in the sample for the promotion from the lower to the higher energy states.
There is some typical ultraviolet absorption spectra in the figure 3.3, from the figure we know that the pattern of absorption spectra are different one and another. In the figure we know that absorption spectra sodium in vapor state give the simple frequency whereas the absorption spectra of benzene in vapor state is higher.In the two diagram others we can see that the benzene and biphenyl solution which show the complex spectra. When the frequency increase the wavelength will be shorter. So in the figure that have a complex structure the spectra shown as a curve which the distinct peaks.
From this phenomena, I have a notion that the pattern of spectra depends on the complexity, the physical and the environment of the absorbing species. When the radiation passes medium consisting the simple particles it will give a simple frequency with two peaks whereas when the radiation comes through the complex structure it will show the complex absorption spectra its show by benzene and biphenyl that dissolve in the solvent. From two other figure about solution benzene and biphenyl, the solvent interact with benzene and biphenyl in each solution so the complexity of this solution increase.From this phenomena we know that when the structure of the molecules have a high complexity the absorption spectra will complex too. when the molecules have a high complexity the energy to promote the radiation will increase too. But I don't know the detail explanation of it.
Picture of tutut kurniasari
Re: adsorption of radiation
by tutut kurniasari - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:01 AM
class, because my batteray is empty, so, I want to leave this forum... bey,,,bey
Picture of amalia cahyarini
Re: adsorption of radiation
by amalia cahyarini - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:01 AM

friends, my battery is empty, so i will logout,,

Picture of aang saptadri yahya
Re: adsorption of radiation
by aang saptadri yahya - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:10 AM
Last coment, According to me Absorption of radiation is kind a radiation passes a transparent of a solid, liquid or gas. When the radiation passes medium consisting the simple particles it will give a simple frequency with two peaks whereas when the radiation comes through the complex structure it will show the complex absorption spectra its show by benzene and biphenyl that dissolve in the solvent. so the complexity of this solution increase.From this phenomena we know that when the structure of the molecules have a high complexity the absorption spectra will complex too.
Picture of ika budiarti
Re: adsorption of radiation
by ika budiarti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:11 AM
oke friend before logout, please make a conclussion!!!!!!!
Picture of agustia catur
Re: adsorption of radiation
by agustia catur - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:15 AM
Absorption of radiation occur when a radiation passes a transparent of a solid, liquid or gas.Intensity of radiation is selectively removed by the molecules in the process of absorption, the energy of the electromagnetic radiation is taken by the atoms or molecules in the sample for the promotion from the lower to the higher energy states. When the radiation passes medium consisting the simple particles it will give a simple frequency with two peaks whereas when the radiation comes through the complex structure it will show the complex absorption spectra its show by benzene and biphenyl that dissolve in the solvent. From two other figure about solution benzene and biphenyl, the solvent interact with benzene and biphenyl in each solution so the complexity of this solution increase.From this phenomena we know that when the structure of the molecules have a high complexity the absorption spectra will complex too. when the molecules have a high complexity the energy to promote the radiation will increase too.
Picture of ika budiarti
Re: adsorption of radiation
by ika budiarti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:20 AM

the top of the graph of spectrum are different between one species and the other.
depend on the complexity, the physical state, and the environment of the absorbing species.
1. physical state.
for example we have Na in gas phase, the spectrum obtain is simple because in gas phase, Na doesnt have any bonding with the other atoms. there is only a little absorbtion of Na atom.
2. complexity
more complex molecule, more the amount of peaks(top). there are so many peaks so they cant be seen well..

Picture of agustia catur
Re: adsorption of radiation
by agustia catur - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:30 AM
ok...I agree with mb'yunil,,
and now...i will log out too,,
Picture of laili rachmawati
Re: adsorption of radiation
by laili rachmawati - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:30 AM
i think the energy of the electromagnetic radiation is taken by the atoms or molecules in the sample for the promotion from the lower and high energy states.
in the adsorption of radiation, we learn about adsorption spectrum. it is a plot of absorbance as a function of wavelenght or frequency. it is drawn as a curve.