Picture of tutut kurniasari
by tutut kurniasari - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 06:41 AM
Picture of iffatul muna
Re: introduction
by iffatul muna - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:46 AM
Hello friends...
My name is Iffatul Muna
I'am at 6 grade of chemistry department state university of malang.
I hope we can enjoy our virtual class and get a lot of knowledges and experiences.
Get spirit and have fun!

Picture of ika puspita
Re: introduction
by ika puspita - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:20 AM
hai ma'am, n my lovely friend. let me introduce my self. my full name name is ika puspita. and you can call me phyta. I'm 20th years old!! Now, I'm study in chemistry department, science faculty, State University of Malang in 6 grade.

nice to meet you!!!!
Picture of tutut kurniasari
Re: introduction
by tutut kurniasari - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 06:51 AM
Assalamualaikum,,, hello friends!!!
I will introduce my self, my full name is Tutut Kurniasari. And you can call me Tutut. I was born on Malang, March 10th 1990. I live on tirtotaruno Landungsari Malang. Now, I'm study in chemistry department, science faculty, State University of Malang in 6 grade.
And now we can study about modern analytical instrumental in this place. I hope we can get some knowledges and information from this forum.
Picture of lia hidayatul fitria
Re: introduction
by lia hidayatul fitria - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 06:53 AM
my name is lia hidayatul fitria

Picture of Kurnia larasati
Re: introduction
by Kurnia larasati - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 06:54 AM
i'm Kurnia larasati..

Picture of dyna rahmawati
Re: introduction
by dyna rahmawati - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 06:56 AM
Hello Mrs.Surjani and my lovely friends. I will introduce my self, my full name is Dyna Rahmawati...My friends usually call me "Dyna".
Picture of erlita dian ratri
Re: introduction
by erlita dian ratri - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 06:57 AM
hai ma'am and my lovely friend...
my full name is erlita dian ratri. Usually, my friends call me erlita or lita. i come from tulungagung. i graduate in UM because i want to be a teacher, and i take chemistry subject, because i like n love in it. But, after i joint this course i feel that chemistry is difficult subject... But, this is my choice.. so i will do my best

Please keep in touch
Picture of amalia cahyarini
Re: introduction
by amalia cahyarini - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:00 AM
Hello my friends, my name is Amalia Cahyarini. I was born on Ponorogo, 25 January 1990. I live in Perumahan IKIP Tegalgondo Asri 2H/01, Malang. Maybe if you have spare time, you can visit to my house =). My hobby is reading. I like reading very much because I can get more knowledges.
Now, I study at Chemistry Department,Mathematic and Science Faculty, State University of Malang in 6 grade.
In this website, my friends and I study together about Modern Analytical Chemistry. I hope we can get more experinces and knowledges from this lecturer. Let's study hard, my friends!! Keep spirit!!
Picture of ika budiarti
Re: introduction
by ika budiarti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:08 AM
oke spirit....
Re: introduction
by reny eka evi susanti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:04 AM

Hello...My name is Reny eka evi susanti, you can call me reny. Iam twenty years old. I was born in Banyuwangi, 8th 1990. Now, Now, I'm study in chemistry department, science faculty, State University of Malang in 6 grade. I hope with we discuss in here I add my knowladge and my experience. Hee.....

Lup u all ^_^

Picture of ika budiarti
Re: introduction
by ika budiarti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:05 AM
lup you too
Picture of ika budiarti
Re: introduction
by ika budiarti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:04 AM
My name is Ika budiarti. my call name is Ika. I was born on lamongan, March 7th 1990. I come from Kedungpengaron-modo-lamongan.Now I live on sumbersari ggV no 485 Malang. I'am a student.I'm study in chemistry department, science faculty, State University of Malang in 6 grade.

we can study about modern analytical instrumental in this place. I hope we can enjoy with our activity, can enjoy with our discution, i hope we can get some knowledges and information from this forum.
and i hope we can help each other...
thank you...
Picture of yunilia nur pratiwi
Re: introduction
by yunilia nur pratiwi - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:05 AM
good afternoon all of my beloved friends...
this is me...my name is Yunilia Nur Pratiwi
You can call me Yunilia, but Yunil is OK
I was born in Malang, on June 30th, 1989. I live in jalan panjaitan 2 RT 10 RW 04 Senggreng, Sumberpucung, Kabupaten Malang.No matter if you want to go to my house...
Now, I study at State University of Malang, in Chemistry Department, Mathematic and Science Faculty
I'm very happy to join in educational chemistry, especially in this class of Offering A. This class is very happy class and I feel comfortable with all of my friends here.
My hobby is reading, I like to read a lot of books. By reading books, I can find and learn more knowledge and I can 'travel' to another place and other experiences I've never met.
talking about chemistry, I like this subject since I was in the senior high school. I don't know why this is interesting subject for me. It's like a 'magic' subject that can change something to produce another things. A lot of activities we meet everyday are related to the chemistry process, and I think it is interesting to study. maybe that's why I choose chemistry department now.
I think that's all for my introduction.
see you, friends...
Picture of ika budiarti
Re: introduction
by ika budiarti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:07 AM
oke nice too met you..
i hope you can help me if i don't understand with our subject
Re: introduction
by Ivon Fatmala Fiska - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:08 AM
hai guys.. my name is Ivon Fatmala Fiska..
I'm studying in Chemistry Education state university of malang
I'm in 5th semester
I liked chemistry so much since I'm in senior high school
So I'm very enjoyable in this time when I meet all my friends here
Picture of dina meylia shari
Re: introduction
by dina meylia shari - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:08 AM
Hi all! How's life?
Hope everything's under control.
Let me to introduce my self.
I'm Dina Meylia Shari.
Many people call me Dina, but you can call me anyway you want.
Nice to meet you.

quote: I'm willing to walk extra mile to achive exellence

Picture of ika budiarti
Re: introduction
by ika budiarti - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:09 AM
can i call you ndong-ndong?
Picture of dina meylia shari
Re: introduction
by dina meylia shari - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:14 AM
I really feel lucky to study in chemistry, because I can meet great people like you all.
It's only a challenge friend...
Lets take a chance, make a change!!
Picture of viruzi axellina
Re: introduction
by viruzi axellina - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:10 AM

Dear My Friends,

I will introduce myself…. My name is Viruzi Axellina, I prefer to if all of you call me Lina. I was born in Malang on January 16th 1991. My hobby is listening music because when I do it I feel…my world so pleasant…>_<

Now, I study in Chemistry department, Mathematic and Science Faculty at State University of Malang, because of that I write in here to complete this forum as task from Analytical Matter. My friends, I give my hard effort for this class, I think I’m not good in Chemistry and everything like all of you. But I will try and try to increase my lack so My friends help me….Thank you….

Re: introduction
by yussalina afifanur - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:11 AM
My name is Yussalina Afifanur.
I am student of Chemistry Departement in State University of Malang, 5th semester.
Chemistry is one of my favorite subject when I was in senior high scholl.
Acctually, taking chemistry education program is not my first choice. But now... Im enjoy with it.
Having a lot friends that have hight spirit, motivates me.
The 1st time I studied chemistry, in my mind I thought that chemistry is just studying the matter that can't be seen. But, after I have studied more and more there are a lot of things that are fun and amazing. Like hydrogen bonding.
My dream is to be chemistry teacher, the real teacher for my student (Amen).
Trough this forum, i hope i can get more knowledge and more fun learning.
Okay.. thats all about me.. I hope we can help each other and make our dreams come true. FIGHTING!!!
Picture of dyna rahmawati
Re: introduction
by dyna rahmawati - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:27 AM
I love "Chemistry" so much...in my mind, Chemistry is the most important science in my life, similar to the blood of my body....may I can be a good Chemistry teacher...amien..hehe
Picture of erlita dian ratri
Re: introduction
by erlita dian ratri - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:34 AM
so chemistry go..chemistry go..
all of us love you so much...!
Picture of agustia catur
Re: introduction
by agustia catur - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 07:48 AM
Hai...,, my name is agustia catur wulandari,, I live in jombang.And now i'm study at universitas negeri malang,in chemistry department.
thank you...,,
Picture of yosi triliana
Re: introduction
by yosi triliana - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:19 AM
hi my name is Yosi Triliana. Im 20 years old.. I study at state university of malang.. chemistry department. many people dont like chemistry, but i think studying chemistry is just the same with its name, "Chem is try..." just try and enjoy it..
i have so many dreams,, one of them is being a scientist.
i have to make my drems come true, however its stupid and impractical..
try and fight it as long as i can.

i hope this forum can help me discuss about chemistry with my friends and more experiencing people..
thank you!! !
Picture of fransiska  dwi y
by fransiska dwi y - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:08 AM

My name is Fransiska Dwi Yunitasari, I born in Banyuwangi 21th ago, in Malang I stay in Jombang street no.1. My phone number is 085233944858. My dream I will become good teacher of chemistry and I will made chemistry not like an evil by the students. I like English but I felt difficult to apply it. I hope I can English well if I adapted to use English every day.

I am happy because in this class I have a chance to use an English, but sometimes I was feel confuse too. Emm. . . .so I must hard work in this class. I think enough my introduces. Thank

Picture of laili rachmawati
Re: introduction
by laili rachmawati - Thursday, 10 February 2011, 08:40 AM
hello..sory i'm late for this forum.
now...i want to introduce my self
my name is laili rachmawati. i come from jombang. in this course i hope, i can improve my knowledge about analitical methode, because until now.. i don't understand about it well. coz... i can't imagine about how to analyze of sample and what for it do.